Opening Hours

4:00PM - 9:00PM

Whatsapp Service 24/7


Frequently Asked Questions :

    Q1: What are the check-in and check-out times for boarding and day care services?

    • A: Check-in times are typically in the morning, and check-out times are in the late afternoon or early evening. Specific times may vary and will be provided when you make a reservation.

    Q2: Is pickup and delivery service available for my pet?

    • A: Currently, we do not offer pickup and delivery services for pets. Clients are responsible for dropping off and picking up their pets at our Office.

    Q3: Can I bring my pet's favorite toys or bedding for their stay?

    • A: Yes, you are welcome to bring items that will make your pet feel more comfortable during their stay.

    Q4: Will the Food Supplies Included in Package during the stay?

    • A: No, we provide regular meals for pets given by their Owners during their stay. You can specify any dietary preferences or restrictions when making a reservation.

    Q5: What should I expect during a pet photography session?

    • A: A pet photography session typically involves droping your pet at our location and Our photographer will work to create beautiful and memorable images.

    Q6: Can I be in the photos with my pet during the session?

    • A: No, Currently We are not taking Photos with Owners.

    Q7: What is the turnaround time for receiving the final photos from the session?

    • A: The turnaround time for receiving edited photos varies, but we aim to provide them to you within [7] days after the session.

    Q8: Can I choose the location for the photography session?

    • A: No, Currently We are not doing Outdoors Photography of Pet.

    Q9: Are all pets suitable for photography sessions, or are there any restrictions?

    • A: We welcome all pets, given in out Allowed Pets Section. but some pets may require specific handling or conditions. Please inform us of any special requirements or concerns you may have about your pet.

    Q10: How are emergencies or medical issues handled during my pet's stay?

    • A: In case of a medical emergency, we will immediately seek veterinary care. Clients will be informed of the situation, and they will be responsible for any incurred medical charges including transportation costs to the vet.

PetSociety Q8

Introducing Kuwait's premier pet care agency, dedicated to ensuring your beloved pets enjoy optimal health and a joyful environment while you relax on a worry-free vacation. Rest easy knowing your furry companion is in the most capable and caring hands, allowing you to savor your getaway to the fullest.

Get In Touch

Our Office:

Mubarkiya- Qibla Kuwait.



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